What You Need to Know About Popping Pimples

What You Need to Know About Popping Pimples

Imagine getting ready for a special event, you are wearing a nice glittery dress with hair done in a beautiful manner. You are about to apply makeup on your face, you look into the mirror and suddenly notice a small red pimple in the centre of your face peaking at you saying its greetings. Just imagining this can sent chills down your spine. At that moment the temptation to popping that stupid pimple is so high that it makes you forget to think about its pro and cons. In this blog we will discuss all the things you should know before popping a pimple.

Knowing About Pimples

Pimples are tiny rigid bumps on your skin which have a thick white liquid like filling in the center of it known as pus. It is the result of clogged or infected oil glands. Pimples are not age restricted but mostly develop at the time of puberty due to hormonal changes.

Causes of Pimples

There are many reasons that give rise to pimples on our skin, some of them are listed here.

  • Excess Sebum Generation: Our sebaceous glands produce an oily substance known as sebum. Excessive generation of sebum can clog the pores and give rise to the development of pimples on your skin.
  • Dead Skin Cells: Dead skin cells mixed with excess oil can also clog pores resulting in the development of pimples.
  • Bacteria: P.acnes is a type of bacteria found in our skin. Clogged skin pores create a suitable environment for these bacteria to multiply which causes pimples and acnes.
  • Hormonal Changes: hormonal changes during puberty, menstruation, pregnancy or menopause can affect the sebaceous glands to generate excess amounts of oils which leads to pimples.
  • Stress: excessive stress plays an important role in creating an imbalance in the hormone level which promotes the growth of acne on our skin.
  • Medications: There are some medications which contribute to the development of acne as a side effect.
  • Cosmetics or Skin-Care Products: Not all skin-care products or cosmetics will be suitable for your skin type; some can block your skin pores and cause acne breakouts.

Types of Pimples

There are different types of pimples that we may face. Some of them are listed below.

  • Papules: these are small red and tender bumps on your skin without a visible center which may become inflamed and painful.
  • Whiteheads: These are small closed bumps with white or yellowish center.
  • Blackheads: Blackheads are very similar to whiteheads but with an open surface which allows the air to oxidize the trapped debris giving it a dark appearance.
  • Nodules: They are large painful solid pimples that develop deep within the skin. It occurs due to the excessive oil, dead skin cells and bacteria present deep within the skin.
  • Pustules: Just like papules, pustules are small bumps with white centers filled with pus. They are often inflamed and tender to touch.
  • Cysts: These pimples are large in size filled with thick yellow or white fluid consisting of dead white blood cells, small tissue pieces and bacteria. Medications are often required to cure these.

Popping Pimple: A Forbidden Temptation

When you see a pimple the urge to pop it is so high that you ignore all the pledges of your skin. Popping pimples is a sweet temptation which can harm your skin. Pimple popping doesn’t actually remove the problem but squeezing them push the bacteria and pus present in them deeper into the skin, which might cause more swelling and redness. But what should we do to get rid of these annoying pimples without any harm? Pimples are generally occurring for short period of time and they can disappear on their own if left untouched. But if it does not go by itself do not squeeze them; instead of popping pimples on your own, you should consult a dermatologist for this. They will help you to get rid of it with correct medications and proper techniques. They suggest you perfect skin-care tips to remove these unwanted guests from your skin.

Dos And Don’ts While Popping Pimples

Acne Relief Capsules on your own is not supported by any dermatologists but if you still get tempted by the thought of popping them or need to do that, then here are some dos and don’ts to help you get rid of them without any hassle.


  • Wash your hands thoroughly with soap or hand wash before touching your face to avoid introducing more bacteria to your skin.
  • Deep clean your face gently with a mild cleanser to remove dirt and excessive oil from your skin.
  • Use a needle or an extractor tool for acne extraction and remember to sterilize it with alcohol before the use.
  • Use a warm compressor like a heating pad on the affected area to soften the pimples to make the acne extraction easy.
  • Apply gentle pressure around the pimple with clean fingertips to avoid pushing bacteria inside your skin.
  • Clean the area after popping the pimple and apply an appropriate acne treatment cream or gel containing benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid in them.


  • Do not use touch your face specially your pimples with dirty hands.
  • Do not force your pimples to pop. They will disappear on their own.
  • Use only sterilized needles or acne extraction tools for popping pimples.
  • Do not apply too much while popping your pimples.
  • Avoid picking at the scab left behind by popped pimples.


While summing up we have come to the conclusion that popping pimple is a very tempting thing and satisfactory but it can also cause damage to your skin. So before popping them you need to know about them. First you have to identify the their type then consult a dermatologist for better treatment of your pimples and if you feel the urge to pop them on your own remember to do it in proper way by following the above guidelines. Which will help you to get rid of those annoying pimples hassle free and if you face any issues after popping your pimples, immediately consult a health care expert for guidance.






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