10 Ways To Reduce Period Cramps

10 Ways To Reduce Period Cramps

Women of every reproductive age have to go through period pain every month. In this, there is pain in the lower abdomen, lower back and thighs during periods. During this period, the contraction of the uterine muscles intensifies as the old layer of the uterus breaks down and a new layer is formed. Therefore, if stomach cramps occur during this time, it means that the uterus is functioning properly. Some people also suffer from dizziness, vomiting, headache and diarrhea during this period. However, some women experience severe pain or cramps during this period, which causes a lot of discomfort.

According to Health line, there are many causes of extreme period pain. If there is heavy bleeding during periods then the pain is also more. At the same time, immediately after the first child, less than 20 years of age and over activity of compounds that affect the uterus can also cause severe pain or cramps during periods. But the good news is that with some easy methods you can reduce these cramps and make your periods comfortable. Let us know about 10 such methods that you can try:

10 Things You Can Do To Relieve Period Pain

To get period pain relief, here we are going to share 10 effective & safe period pain reduction techniques.

Use Heat Pad

This is the most effective and safe method to get rid of menstrual cramps and make those 5 days pain free. Many of studies have proven that use of heating pad can provide immediate relief from cramps, which mean you don’t need to depend on such drugs and painkillers in harmful ways. Apply a heat pad over your lower abdomen, back and upper leg or taking a hot shower or relaxing bath can also ease your pain. A heat pad works to relax uterine contractions, improve blood flow and relieve tension, which in turn means less pain and period cramp relief.

Gentle Exercise & Yoga

Doing exercise may seem difficult during the periods but did you know by performing it you can get relieve pain. By Doing light exercise like walking, yoga or stretching releases pain-relieving hormones called endorphins which reduce pain. Cobra, cat, cow and fish poses are the few good exercise that you can try to deal with cramp and also best to reduce heavy blood flow.

Balanced Diet

Pay attention to your eating habits during periods. Reduce your intake of inflammatory foods like salt, sugar and Trans fat. Instead, include fruits, vegetables, whole grains and omega-3 rich foods in your diet. Magnesium-rich foods like green vegetables, nuts and seeds also help reduce cramps. Balanced diets can support menstrual pain management, so during periods take a healthy diet.

Drink Herbal Tea

Herbal tea may help relieve period cramps. Herbal teas such as ginger, fennel chamomile and green have anti-inflammatory properties that can reduce bloating, inflammation and antispasmodic compounds that can reduce the muscles spasms in uterus that cause cramping. Although these herbal teas can be helpful in providing relief from period pain, their effect may be different for everyone. If you have any serious problem, then definitely consult a doctor.

Comfortable Position

Rest during periods in a position that is comfortable for you. You can lie down with a pillow under your back, lie on your side with your knees bent, or sit with your back supported on a chair. This period cramp relief position will help to take the pain away. Lie down on your back can also reliving period cramps by reducing the pressure from uterus and relax back muscles.

Massage Abdomen

According to the study published in the journal of obstetrics and gynaecology research a Gentle massage with the essential oil can relieve menstrual cramp pain. Lightly massage your lower abdomen and lower back in circular motion with coconut oil or olive oil that will help to relax the pelvic muscles and alleviate cramping. It important to massage on painful area gently, as too much pressure can be uncomfortable.

Take Rest

During the menstrual give your body a proper rest and try to avoid take stress, as stress can lead to irregular, more pain full periods or sometimes can cause menopause in early age. Give your body adequate rest during periods. Cramping may increase due to excessive fatigue. Avoid excessive work and get enough sleep.

Avoid Eating Food High In Fat And Sugar

Due to hormonal changes that occur during periods, we often start eating more fried, greasy and sugary foods. Such foods can cause swelling in the body, which increases muscle pain and cramps. To fight sugar cravings, eat a banana or any other fruit, or if you feel like eating something more salty, try unsalted nuts. If you have a coffee habit, try to drink decaffeinated coffee because caffeine dilates your blood vessels. This can increase the contraction of your uterus, making the cramps more painful. If you have to drink coffee, take decaffeinated coffee during periods. You can also avoid coffee cravings by eating a protein-rich snack.

Drink Plenty Of Water

Cramps and swelling in legs during periods are very painful. To avoid this, drink plenty of water. According to experts, at least 4 liters of water should be drunk throughout the day. If possible, you should drink 2 to 3 glasses of lukewarm water throughout the day. This provides relief to the stomach muscles and reduces cramps. It also increases blood flow throughout the body, which can provide period pain relief.

Avoid Caffeine Consumption

Most women feel that consuming coffee helps they get relief from pain. But according to experts, consumption of coffee can trigger pain before periods and pain during periods. At the same time, it causes stress and irritability during your periods. Therefore, try to avoid consuming coffee during periods.

Over-The-Counter Period Pain Relief Medicines:

If the above methods do not work, you can take over-the-counter pain relievers such as ibuprofen or paracetamol after consulting a doctor.


Now you got the answer to your “how to get relief from period cramp” this question. Period cramps are a common problem for every woman, but it does not mean that you have to suffer this pain every month. By adopting the simple methods mentioned above, you can make your periods easier and reduce the intensity of cramps.

If the cramps are very severe, persist or do not subside even after taking medicine, definitely contact a doctor. It is important to stay healthy and listen to your body during periods.



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